অনলাইনে রয়েছে: কোম্পানি সম্পর্কে: PaxForex ফরেক্স মার্কেটে আবির্ভূত হয় 2010 সালে। এই ব্রোকারের গ্রাহকদের জন্য ইন্সট্যান্ট এক্সিকিউশন এবং মার্কেট এক্সিকিউশন নামে দুই ধরনের অর্ডার সম্পাদন সহজলভ্য। PaxForex ব্রোকারের মাধ্যমে ট্রেডিং করার জন্য শুধুমাত্র একটি ট্রেডিং অ্যাকাউন্ট খুলতে হবে। গ্রাহকগণ চার ধরণের অ্যাকাউন্ট থেকে তাদের পছন্দের অ্যাকাউন্ট বেছে নিতে পারে: মিনি, স্ট্যান্ডার্ড, ভিআইপি অথবা ফিক্স। এছাড়াও, তারা ডেমো অ্যাকাউন্ট খুলতে পারে। কোম্পানির গ্রাহকগণ মেটাট্রেডার 4 ট্রেডিং প্লাটফর্ম ব্যবহার করে 25টি কারেন্সি পেয়ার, স্বর্ণ এবং রৌপ্যের ট্রেডিং করতে পারে। সময়ের সাথে তাল মিলিয়ে PaxForex তার গ্রাহকদের জন্য নতুন নতুন সেবা নিয়ে আসে। ট্রেডারগণ এক্সপার্ট অ্যাডভাইজার, হেজিং, স্ক্যাল্পিং ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে পারে। কোম্পানি লেনদেনের পরিমাণের ক্ষেত্রে কোনো সীমাবদ্ধতা আরোপ করে না।
এছাড়াও, PaxForex তাদের ওয়েবসাইটে বিশ্লেষণী পর্যালোচনা, সর্বশেষ ফরেক্স নিউজ এবং অর্থনৈতিক ক্যালেন্ডার সরবরাহ করে।
এই ব্রোকারের গ্রাহকগণ ফরেক্স ট্রেডিং এর পরামর্শ, নো ডিপোজিট বোনাস এবং বিনামূল্যে অনলাইন শিক্ষাকে বেশি গুরুত্ব দিয়েছে। সম্প্রতি এই কোম্পানি সারা বিশ্বব্যাপী বেশ কয়েকটি অফিস চালু করেছে। এই অফিসগুলো এশিয়া, ইউরোপ, আফ্রিকা এবং উত্তর ও দক্ষিণ আমেরিকায় অবস্থিত।
কোম্পানির ওয়েবসাইটে আপনি এই ব্রোকারের সাথে কাজ করার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য পাবেন।
আসুন আমরা সবাই মিলে ফরেক্স ব্রোকারদের একটি স্বচ্ছ রেটিং তৈরি করি। দয়াকরে এই ব্রোকারের কার্যক্রম সম্পর্কে আপনার মূল্যবান মতামত প্রদান করুন।
(votes 3144)
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অন্য কোন ব্রোকার সম্পর্কে মন্তব্য করতে চান?
![]() ![]() I have weird experience on the PaxForex platform so far! As I can't trade perfectly and their spread could rise at any time. I have found their price chart isn't live, as I have seen it is delayed more than 2 minutes. PaxForex withdrawal service is disappointing too, as they didn't pay on time. Overall I say PaxForex didn't know how to care and fulfill traders' needs.
PaxForex just normal broker. They do offer low spreads and this is what I like most about this broker. But their withdrawal method is very poor. I made a deposit through Neteller, later I withdrew my profit of $600 through a Neteller. About 15 days later they told me that they cannot process my withdrawal request but they did not explain anything about it.. So I am little worry about my withdrawal.
I did not expect that PaxForex would be able to provide services that are on par with more popular brokers. I think this broker is underrated. They don't ask for huge initial capitals and they have very narrow spreads. At the same time, their platform runs very smoothly.
I have nothing to complain about PaxForex. They are a professional broker, as far I know. Since I joined them, I never get a significant problem. Their platform works perfectly, deposit and withdrawal process is efficient. Trading cost is low, and they don't take a hidden commission. Customer support always available and handling nicely. The more I trade with them, the more profit I will get because they are also a profitable broker. I would love to recommend PaxForex to all traders who are looking for a professional and reliable broker.
This broker is much better than the previous broker. Everything is very detailed at Pax Forex, and has a very well-established system for beginners. At the previous broker I had a hard time, so I had to lose my deposit of $ 3,500. My brother gave a recommendation about Pax Forex. Since 3 weeks ago I joined, and yesterday they processed the withdrawal for only a few hours. Recomended broker.
PaxForex broker is profitable to me, As I can apply the scalping strategy for their fixed spread and stable server on the MT4 trading platform. Till now I can make $540 profit and get the payment within time. Also, I have found their solid professional signals and high tech trading tools, which helps me too. Nowadays I am using their mobile apps at Home quarantine, which helps me to monitor and maintain my orders anytime. I prefer PaxForex broker, as they fulfill my demands.
PaxForex is the best broker among the ones that I have already tried. This is my third broker and it just has everything that I am looking for. It has a low trading cost, a stable platform (and even a mobile version), and the website is very attractive. It adds to my productivity when I am seeing visually pleasant websites with a good layout. It is calming to the eyes and I can navigate without difficulty.
If you are going to look for a broker to trade, I advise you should try this broker. For me, this is a serious broker, not a scam. Thus, I traded with this broker in last year, and I have had no problem at all. I feel comfortable to trade with Pax Forex, because this broker has a serious customer service relation. My withdrawal appears on my bank account just 2 days after my request. Indeed, Pax Forex is the only broker that offers 2 spreads on USD/YEN. Therefore, it makes me exciting to define a strategy with active trades on it. Besides, I can withdraw or deposit easily. 3 days ago, I earned profit with 450$ when I deposited 300$. Then, I made a withdrawal with my profit, and later I could receive money in a short time – 5 hours.
I started with PaxForex about 9 months ago and I am satisfied with this broker. In their trading platform, there are no requotes, perfect execution, trading very successfully. Exactly I began to trade with $555 and I've already withdrawn 3 times. Even last day I made a withdrawal request for $350 from one of my account and the payment was made after 5 hours via Skrill. Professional trader should try this broker.
PaxForex is the second broker that I've tried and I'd say this is a lot better than what I previously used. The company takes commission only through the spreads. And so far, I don't think there are any suspicious or hidden charges. They also have a very low spread at 1.8 pips although it widens during news releases but the highest I've seen so far was at 7 pips which for me is still acceptable. Also, I am never hesitant to trade during high volatility because the platform remains stable and rarely freezes.
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